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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Get A Big Bank Accunt -Not A Big Belly

There was a time in the history of men, that being fat was considered healthy. Before, people associated the body’s size to being rich and powerful. If you were fat, it only meant that you had the money to buy all the foods you want and you are not starving. Though, this principle is still being practiced by some groups in Africa, other groups in the world have already changed their views of regarding that concept of being fat.

The changed of views of many people was due to the fact that many illnesses have been associated with being fat and studies show that they are preventable if the person is living on a healthy lifestyle. Even though many are aware of these studies, yet there are still a lot who enjoys eating and drinking foods that are not good to the health. And those foods that cannot be processed by the body are the one causing the trouble.

Now being fat is not just being big anymore. There are terms that properly correspond to how big a person is. One term is overweight. An overweight person is either normal or obese. His or her body mass index (BMI) is 27.3% or greater for women and 27.8% or greater for men. On the other hand, an obese person has so much excessive fats on the body and this BMI is already 30% or greater. If you are wondering whether you are already an obese or overweight, you may get your BMI by dividing your body mass (in terms of KG) to the squared of your height (in terms of meters).

Though BMI is just one of the many tools in determining if a person is obese or nor not, many still rely on this since it is easier to measure. But many people are already aware of the detrimental effects of being fat. Still many people don’t seem to give the matter enough thought. This was shown on the recent report from the World Health Organization that there are more than 1 billion people who are overweight wherein more than 300,000 of them are already obese. This is really alarming since about 1/6 of the population of the Earth are very prone to diseases which can be prevented by being healthy.

Studies also show that obesity in today’s time was cause by the highly urbanized setting of most places. Many don’t have enough time to cook and prepare the right foods due to work and other social activities of man. Thus, more and more are relying on easy-prepare foods and fast-food foods which are unhealthy.  In addition, the work nowadays is more on paper works or desk work. Thus, the physical activities of men are being reduced as well. These factors, globalization, modernization, and urbanization are the key factors that cause the widespread epidemic of obesity.

Those studies should be a wake-up call for most of us that even though we are striving to have a highly urbanized civilization, we should never forget our health. Our health should always be a priority and should not be neglected since even though we have transformed the world into a modernized one, if we can’t see it due to health reasons, it is useless.

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