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Friday, December 31, 2010
Autism Symptoms and Signs -A Book Review
Autism Puzzle-The author of the book when snow turns to rain is Craig Shulze, an elementary school assistant principal in Baltimore Maryland. He holds masters of education degree in Early Childhood Education from Towson State University and a PhD in human development from University of Maryland. He and his wife Jill are former board members of the. Baltimore Chapter of the Autism society of America.
Craig is qualified to write this book having raised a child with autism. He knows firsthand the telltale signs of autism, the travails and headaches that accompanies the task of rearing a child with autism, and the many sacrifices and changes that has to be made to accommodate anyone with the disorder.
He is also qualified academically since he has devoted part of his life to studying; while educating himself in Early Childhood education and Human Development for which he is accredited a Masters and PhD degree.
I am a James Paterson fan and mostly read romance and mystery yet; I chose this book because I believe it would further expand my limited knowledge and understanding the disorder and further confirm previously viewed video illustrations and textbook information. My goal was to discover whether the writer of the book, under review, the writer of the text book and various videos were on the same page as far as autism is concerned. Also, seeing that I work with children who have autism, I needed the voice of someone who has gone through the ordeal of raising a child with autism so that I would be better prepared to work with them and also have the ability to pinpoint children with the disorder so that early intervention can be administered. I wanted to hear from someone who has lived and dealt with autism instead of getting it from a textbook. Although, no two children are the same, I wanted to know of the telltale cues that Craig witnessed firsthand which would help me to better deal and understand people and families who have relatives with the disorder.
When snow turns to rain is a narrative centered around a little boy named Jordon, who exhibits three core deficits of autism namely lack of social interaction, communication skills, and behavioral which the experts confirm when they say that, "autism is a disorder that is present from birth or very early during development affecting essential human behaviors such as social interaction, the ability to communicate ideas, feelings, imagination, and the establishment of relationships with others"(national research council, 2003, p.11).
As the book "Educating Children With Autism" points out, autism can happen very early in a child's development and this is true for the main character Jordon,who at one time had the ability of interacting with his parents through words and gestures. He held conversations just as a normal child would but as time went by he regressed into a world that left his mother and father searching for solutions as they rearranged their lives, implemented techniques learn t from research,treatment and educational programs to help their son overcome the disorder of autism.
One of the core deficits of Autism, lack of social interaction in Jordon is further evident in Jordon as Craig observes, “During this third summer I spend with Jordon ,the isolated incidents of negativism, quirky language, resistance to change, cognitive stagnation, and the desire to be alone begin to form a pattern. At times, he will play by himself for periods of up to an hour, all the while repeating phrases; he frequently uses or has heard in books (echolalia). He expresses little or no interest in other children and he shows very little or no interest in other children and shows very little propensity for imaginative play.
The curiosity he exhibited in the previous summer seems to have totally disappeared and he is no longer consistently in a good mood"(1993,p.27). Since early intervention is the key to unraveling the autism puzzle, Craig conducts his own research. After reading "The Empty Fortress" by Bruno Bettelheim, he believes that Jordon’s symptoms and those of Bruno's clients are conclusive. Taking a closer look at Jordon's behavioral symptoms-tendency to repeat phrases, the absence of the words "yes" and "I" from the vocabulary, and the propensity to self stimulate, Craig believes that Jordon has full blown Autism so he takes him to see the Pediatrician who refers him for neurological and psychological evaluation and the prognosis is communication disorder and developmental delay. At that time the neurologist does not confirm Autism ; so Jill and Craig talk to friends, contact local autism specialists by phone, read everything they can get, make games, and puzzles, purchase toys, and come up with plans to deal with Jordon at home.
Craig’s search on the topic of autism results in a reading by a California psychologist, Ivar Lovas, a pioneer in the area of blab who suggest, "the best results being obtained with autistic kids are occurring in settings where behavior modification techniques are being employed"(1993,p.48). Pauls implements this technique by setting up a "secret room" where he and Jill put into practice Lovaas's findings and it works yet;their hopes are shattered when screening done at the Kennedy Institute shows a decline in Jordon's skills up to six months.
Since behavioral techniques stop working Animal Therapy is introduced to help facilitate Jordon's social skills but that fails also and the Pediatrician directs them to a. Boston Psychologist, Dr.Jerome Kagan, Neurologist Dr.Paul Hardy,Educator,Ann Larkin and the governor's wife, Kitty. Dukakis who are supporters of Boston Higashi.
I hope this was beneficial to you and that you will be able to apply early intervention to assist your child should they exhibit signs of autism.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Overweight Women - Discrimination Against Women
I come from a part of the world where women are embraced for being big. You see, back then people that were fat were viewed as being healthy and happy. On the other hand, if someone was skinny, like I was always skinny; people believed that skinny people were sick,miserable and unhealthy. It's like fat was in and skinny was out. This still holds true as some parts of the world do embrace fat women while others tend to have a problem with obese women.
When I came to America, it's all the opposite.Fat is out and skinny is in and its at a huge cost. In Art History, I learn about the "woman of Willendorf"(picture above). She is portrayed with large breasts, large hips and a detailed vulva and symbolizes fertility.The aim of this paper is to explore women and obesity.
Through the Romantic, Victorian, and Modern ages, Womanhood has had and still has its share of woes. The ability to survive in a world dominated by men and a society which is not sympathetic to the travails of women has not been easy: “The indifference of the world which Keats and Flaubert and other men of genius have found so hard to bear was in her case not indifference but hostility. The world did not say to her as it said to them, Write if you choose; it makes no difference to me.
The world said with a guffaw, Write? What’s good of your writing” (Woolf 2462)? Women lived in a world where they were viewed as brainless and merely as vessels to breed sons and daughters-one of the many debased classification of women; still with the rise of courageous women and movements like women lib enabling women to evolve to some extent from being the doormats they once were; to date women are targets of weight bias that takes an emotional, physical, and social toll on their lives.
The media and other mediums of communication are major culprits in the discrimination of overweight women. In their portrayal of beauty; women are usually depicted as tall, skinny, and of a certain built. Seldom does an overweight woman grace the cover of popular magazines neither is she photographed next to a beautiful car or a strong male with a six pack.
This preoccupation with obesity and weight gain affects women to an extent which is often detrimental. Susan Bordo argues, “The practices of femininity and particularly of dietary restrictions and body modeling reinforce the feel and conviction of lack of insufficiency of never being good enough. At the farthest extremes, the practices of femininity may lead us to utter demoralization, debilitation, and death” (p.166).
According to Bordo, obese women are made to feel inadequate, not good enough and their self esteem is attacked. They do not have the temperament to handle constant kidding about their weight. What may appear to be funny or hilarious to others is never funny to the ones who are subjected to it. When people are labeled a certain way, they have the tendency of making that name theirs and usually believe that such labeling defines who they are.
Such is the case with overweight women who are often led to a path of destruction. Eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia come into to play as some women become obsessed with exercise to achieve the “ideal” weight and this impedes them in the area of health. Women feel inadequate and the struggle to be accepted for whom they are rather than what they’ve become is a constant battle.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Character Education, Plagiarism, and Academic Cheating
John Jay College
195 Joralemon Street
Re: Provost
Dear Mr. Obama:
My name is Henry and I am a student at John Jay College. This past semester my English Technical Writing Class has been focusing and researching character education, plagiarism, and cheating. According to William May, the author of the book Ethics and Higher Education, informal polls indicate that as many as three-fourths of the student population on campuses today admit to some form of academic fraud. Cheating is accepted as a way of life because too little is done to prevent it, and there is reluctance on the part of faculty and administrators to report it and prosecute when it occurs. At best the problem is dealt with unevenly; at worst it is avoided or totally ignored. If colleges and universities are to have an impact on value development, and I suggest they should, then a concerted effort by faculty and administrators must be undertaken in order to address the problem. (171)
The polls indicate that there is a lack of heightened interest in ethics or morals. Faculty and administrators are partly to be blamed for not doing their part to combat such unethical behavior and for not putting controls in place. In the majority of our schools cheating on test and the wrongful acts of plagiarism have become very rampant. That’s why, I am writing you this letter to address the need for an enforced character education curriculum in our schools.
Character education as defined by Dr. Thomas Lickona, author of Educating for Character, How Our Schools Can Teach Respect and Responsibility, “is the deliberate effort to develop virtues that are good for the individual and good for society. The objective goodness of virtues is based on the fact that they: affirm our human dignity, promote the well-being and happiness of the individual, serve the common good, define our rights and obligations, meet the classical ethical tests of reversibility (Would you want to be treated this way?) and universalism (Would you want all persons to act this way in a similar situation?)”
Character education is as old as education itself. It dates way back to the times of renowned theorists like Piaget, Kohlberg, Turiel and Carol Gillian who all conducted research and experiments in the area of character development. The goal of education has and always will be to help people to become smart and help them to become good. The founding fathers believed democracy has a special need for character education, because democracy is government by the people themselves. The people must therefore be good, must develop "democratic virtues": Respect for the rights of individuals, regard for law, voluntary participation in public life,and concern for the common good.
As you can see character education is not something new. If the founding fathers endorsed it and thought it to be a good concept that should be invoked in government then, it certainly is important. The very idea that people needed to develop moral ethical behavior, which would benefit them and others as they continue through life, has been in the works. It appears to be vanishing and needs to be implemented and enforced at the college level as well as the elementary level.
Since home is the first school, character education should begin there; however, with the changes in family structure-mom working two jobs, or mom and dad working then the burden falls on schools as well. It is said that, “it takes a whole village to raise a child”; therefore, the responsibility extends not only to parents and teachers to raise persons of good character and moral standing but the community as well. Character and moral can be used interchangeably since they mean the same thing. Huitt and Vessels define the term a moral person as a person who understands the difference between right and wrong and willfully chooses what is right; a virtuous person engages in good behavior intentionally, predictably, and habitually; an ethical person figures out what is right or good. (260)
Character Education is made up of honesty, self-responsibility, citizenship, respect, fairness, and caring; However, my focus is on honesty. It is of vital importance to stress the importance of this aspect of character education because dishonesty, when tolerated hurts the innocent and vulnerable. Everyone is affected.
Let me take you back to the Enron scandal, where CEO s, top educated men regarded as trustworthy men took advantage of many and stole their life-long earnings. Such display of bad behavior simply says that these men have no conscience and no morals. In the implementation of character education curriculum honesty needs to be emphasized since it is a pivotal part and ranks highest on the list of character education traits. To integrate this aspect of character into the curriculum I propose the following.
First of all, college catalogs should have a section devoted especially to academic honesty. The term should be broken so that even the dumbest of all persons can understand what academic dishonesty means and it should be accompanied by consequences for those who do not adhere to the rules and regulations that accompany academic dishonesty. At the registrar's office a banner that reads “Cheating is not tolerated here should be displayed. Also, since teachers are the gatekeepers to character education, the burden lies heavily on them for being good role models to their students and for assisting in behavior changes. Dr. Marvin W. Berkowitz, a developmental psychologist , a professor of character education at the university of Missouri supports this by saying," When we think of character education we tend to think first of how students behave and how we can implement strategies and structures in schools that will lead students to develop more desirable personality traits, competencies, and behavioral patterns. What we too often fail to recognize is that this is much more difficult to achieve if the adults in the school community do not "walk the talk." I think we need to start character education with a focus on the adults, and only when we get this in order, start to worry about what we can do to support the development of the students. The focus of schools should be the students, but one gateway to students' character is the character of the adults around them."
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Losing The Fat Caused By Sleep Apnoea and Obesity
Someone you love has sleep apnoea? Then, obesity may be a likely factor. It may be that you can't sleep because of the horrendous snoring, snorting, or you get worried because sometimes your partner sounds like he or she is choking. These are all signs and symptoms of sleep apnea and you should encourage them to go to the doctor or get yourself to the doctor if this is you.
The connection between obesity and is sleep apnea is fatty tissue that has built up in the neck affects the neck muscles and soft palate and even the little flap in the back of the throat called the uvula and when you go to sleep all the muscles relax and the fatty tissue relaxes also and closes off your airway. This is dangerous because at some point you may just stop breathing all together.
This is called respiratory failure and it is fatal. It does not happen frequently but it does happen. The best solution is get the treatment you need so you do not have to worry about it happening to you. Talk to your doctor before it is too late because sudden death can occur at any time.
The next best thing you can do about sleep apnea obesity is lose the excess weight. Did you know if you lose just 10% of your total body fat you can decrease the seriousness of your sleep apnea by 30% ? The more you lose the better off you will be and when you get to your ideal weight or even just meet your weight loss goal you may not have sleep apnea anymore.
How do you know if you have sleep apnea? Well, there are ways to tell that you might if you do not have someone to tell you you snore. Do you ever wake up and your mouth is so dry you feel like you have to pry your tongue from the roof of your mouth with a pry bar? Are you always tired? Do you need more coffee than usual to stay awake during the day? Could be sleep apnea is affecting the quality of your sleep and your life.
If you and your doctor agree that you may have sleep apnea, he or she will refer you to the respiratory care center of the clinic or hospital and get you fitted for a CPAP machine and mask. This will take some getting used to because you will have to wear the mask when you are sleeping. If you also make a lifestyle change and start to lose the weight you probably will not have to use the machine for too long. It all depends on how quickly you can lose the weight.
As soon as you lose the weight sleep apnea obesity will be a thing of the past and you can rest easy and get back to a normal way of life.
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Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sleep Apnoea Depression - Disasater waiting To Explode
Are you a experiencing sleep apnea? Then you may be you are depressed more than you know. Although depression is not the only consequence of sleep apnea it can be the one that mostly affects your quality of life.
Depression can be distructive and if it is ignored, it can destroy your life leaving you lost,helpless, and alone. You will find yourself at a point where you will be so anti social that you will drive everyone away. If your depression is caused because you are not getting good rest at night then you need to address it with your doctor and get treatment started right away. Sleep disorders like sleep apnea can lead to so many other issues, depression doesn't have to be one of them.
If you suspect you may have sleeping apnea, have your partner watch and listen to you when you are sleeping. If they notice any stoppage of breathing, extremely loud snoring, snorting or gasping for breath when you are sleeping you should see your doctor a soon as possible.
If you do not have anyone to listen and watch you sleep, either set up a video camera or audio recording to get a good idea about your sleep habits.
Other symptoms you may have that go along with sleep apnea depression are mood disorders, irritability, impatience with yourself or others, grogginess (even after a full nights sleep), decreased mental function and inattentiveness.
If you are constantly trying to stay awake at work or drinking your own body weight in coffee each day or downing energy drinks like they are going out of style, you may want to check out if you are suffering from sleep apnea. Your doctor can order a sleep study where you go to a facility and get hook up to monitors which record your breathing and blood oxygen levels while you sleep.
Treatment may be as simple as changing your pillow, losing weight or wearing an oral device made by your dentist. Other treatment options include using a CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, machine with a mask you have to wear when sleeping that continuously blows air into your nose to keep you breathing at all times. Oral devices may need to be worn if you cannot tolerate the CPAP machine but they will not be as effective as the CPAP machine so it is best to try to become accustomed to wearing the mask at night.
Your doctor will diagnose your sleep apnea as one of three types, obstructive, central or complex sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is just that, there is something blocking the nasal passages that prevents you from breathing correctly. In it's most severe form this type may require surgery to remove the blockage. Central sleep apnea is caused by a glitch in the respiratory center of the brain where the brain cannot send the right signals to the muscles used to take a breath. Complex sleep apnea is a combination of these two. Sleep apnea depression is just one of the symptoms or consequences of snoring and sleep apnea, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
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Dating And Latino Women
Below are generalized statements. Although no two individuals are the same, there are usually broad similarities amongst people from specific backgrounds. Nothing should be construed as being insensitive. With that said, dating Latino women can be lots of fun;yet, you will have to be aware of any cultural differences and be sure to respect them.
First and foremost, you need to be aware that Latin America covers much of the western hemisphere except for two countries in North and South America, which aren't Latin. they are the United States and Canada with a healthy Latin population. A woman from Argentina is going to have different traditions than one from Mexico.
Consider the continent of Europe for comparison. Even though Europe is smaller than the countries that compose Latin America, there is a wide diversity of cultures. A woman from France would be different than one from Germany, or one from Italy. There is a similar correlation amongst women from Latin American countries.
Anything you can do to learn about her culture will help to show her that you care. You shouldn't overdo it, and only do it if you genuinely want to learn more. If you are doing it just to seem cool, or to show off, then you are doing it for the wrong reasons, and it will eventually backfire.
One of the reasons it's so important to learn about their culture is that this can have a major impact on how they approach dating. And if you want to date Latin women, then you should have some idea of what their expectations are in regards to dating. A large portion of Latin America is Catholic, so be sure to take that into consideration as well.
Dancing is a big part of Latin culture, and men are expected to dance. In Anglo culture, men can normally get away without dancing, but if you are going to be dating Latin women, then you can be sure that you will be dancing and not sitting in the corner. Take a few dancing lessons if you have to, but be ready to dance.
Romance is alive and well in the Latin culture. It's a safe bet that she will expect you to romance her with dinner, flowers, and sweet words. This will take some effort if you're not used to it, but just consider it part of the fun of dating a Latina.
A lot of Latin women place a strong emphasis on tradition. That means they are very close to their families and gender roles may be more pronounced than you are accustomed to. You should also be very conscious of manners and do your best to follow them. This includes opening doors for her, pulling out her chair for her and walking on the street side of the sidewalk.
Dating Latin women is a great experience so having a good time should be easy. Show genuine interest in her as a person and she will appreciate it.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Forums For Your Dating Questions
Looking for a place to get quick answers to questions you may have regarding current, past, or future relationships? Well, look no further because dating forums are the answer to your inquiries. It is an internet community where you can post questions and people will respond in a timely manner. Answers do vary as many people may respond and no two opinions are the same. Responses posted are the opinions of others and it's up to you decide whether your expectations were met and whether responses would be helpful to you in handling the nagging questions you may have had. People just like also post questions or comments so that others can get information or post their own comments regarding the topics of discussion.
There is no such thing as having too much information, especially if the topic centers around relationships. Anything you can learn and put into practice can enhance your relationship many times over. Forums are great platforms for information and suggestions on handling certain situations that pertains to relationships.
Search for a forum that targets your topic of interest. If the dating forum you choose does not discuss your chosen topic find another because it makes no sense sticking around as you would be wasting valuable time. The information you get from people who are in the forum is usually of great quality and can proof to be very reliable. Getting relevant information on the subject of dating is not difficult and forums would not exist online if the idea behind it was not very important.
When you first begin a relationship, you and your mate both want to do things right. A forum can help with that and give advice on what to do when. If you are the guy and want to know about how to romance your new girl there are forums dedicated to teaching you what you need to know. All you have to do is ask a question and someone will answer you and give you ideas of things you can do yo impress your girl.
Women like to be romanced and if a man doesn't know how to do that then he might as well hang it up and stay home. If he does learn how to romance a woman then the world is his oyster and he can probably have any woman he wants. Which would you rather have? Do not waste any more time, post whatever questions you have on a forum and start learning.
If you are the girl and want to know how to impress your new guy by cooking him a meal for your fourth date then you can find that information on a forum along with recipes and ways to set a romantic table, music to play, and wine to serve with the meal. You will be able to make and serve a meal that is fit for a king.
See, you can find any information on any topic in a forum. There are no limitations as to the type of information out there. Forums on the internet can be a good guide to learning about anything you need to know about relationships and dating.
How can you tell if he likes you or likes, likes you? Post your question on a forum. You will probably get more answers to this question that you might expect. There are so many ways to tell if someone likes you as there are relationships. The best answer is that if you think he likes you, he probably does. But do not take my word for it, go online and ask a dating forum.
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Sunday, October 24, 2010
Singles Website- Singles365-Where Love Can Be Found
Are you tired of being single? There's hope. Allow me to introduce you to a website that caters to your lonely heart needs. Singles 365 has thousands of members just like you who are looking for romance. Whether you are just looking for friendship or that special someone you will spend the rest of your life with, you can find it at
There is no fee to join, it is totally free. As soon as you sign up and register, you will be able to upload your photo and create your profile. Then you can start searching for that Mr. or Ms. Right. There is also no fee to send a wink to someone you find interesting to make contact and use the search section to find other single people in your local area.
Advanced search options include finding someone by interests, age, zip code, if they are an animal lover, or how many children they have. As a member of singles 365, you will have your own inbox where anyone who is interested in you can contact you and leave a message. Every time you log on to your account, you will see a list of who is interested in you and looking at your profile. Your inbox stores all your sent winks, communications and other personal messages.
Full members are offered additional features where you can create and upload a video profile and include more information about who you are and what you are like. The more of your personality you can get out there the better chance you will have of finding that special person. You can even keep track of your previous dates in a dating diary.
Full members can see who is online and begin conversations by sending instant messages to those who they feel they match up with. If you find someone you match up with try to get to know them for a while first before arranging to meet them in person. Talk to them on the phone, text, email, whatever, just give the first meeting time before it takes place. This is just a cautious thing to do with any dating service.
Dating sites are considered relatively safe in this day and age but still you can never be too careful when you put yourself and all your personal information out there. You can be safe but do not lie about who you are otherwise you will not attract the right people and you will not find that special someone. You need to be as honest as you can be with the information you enter in your profile. Do not play any games but do be as careful as you can when joining up.
Go ahead and take the personality tests available on the site and there are star sign compatibility reports you can access to find out more about the people you might be interested in and aspects of your personality you may have not been aware of. If you want to find your perfect match, join singles 365.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Dating - Older Woman vs Younger Woman
When dating a women younger than you or your own age, there is a tendency for a lot of drama. That is primarily because neither of you has a lot of life experience. You are both still trying to figure out who you are, what you want, and where you fit. When both of you are struggling with those issues it can lead to a lot of insecurity and that leads to a lot of drama.
An older women will generally have most of, or all, of those questions answered. She will be more comfortable in her own skin and more sure of herself and what she wants. Those traits will tend to lead to more fun and less fighting. She prefers to spend her time doing fun things and not 'babysitting'. More than likely an older woman has already raised her kids and she's not looking to take on a project, she wants a man who can satisfy her (get your mind out of the gutter, I'm talking about satisfying her completely: mentally, emotionally, and sexually).
The additional confidence of an older women will likely result in more space for the man she is dating. Younger women tend to be more clingy, an older women will very likely want her alone time, you won't even have to ask. You may just find yourself asking to spend more time with her. By the time a woman gets in her 40's and 50's she's had the chance to create a very full life for herself. A life of hobbies and friends, work, etc. She may simply not have a lot of time to spend with you.
Most older women love companionship as much as anyone, but unlike some younger women they've found that they don't have to settle to get it. If they can't find the right partner, they'll just move on until they do. They aren't defined by having a man in their life.
I don't know if women are starting to date younger men because the men their own age are chasing around after 20 somethings, or if women are just realizing that the old geezers may be on to something. There is also an ever increasing acceptance to an older woman dating a younger guy. The more mainstream it becomes the more the cougar pack will grow.
Many men (the ones who are more self assured and more mature) find themselves bored with the immaturity of women their age. This is one of the reasons that there are so many dating sites focused on finding hot cougar women. If you think you're up to the challenge, by all means, check one out. You may find that you've finally met your match.
More information here
Monday, September 20, 2010
How To Get Back With Your Ex Boyfriend The Sneaky Way
If you are trying to figure out the best way of how to get back with your ex boyfriend, then you should know that you are not alone. Let's face, break ups are tough to handle. Right now it may seem like it is impossible that you two could ever get back together, and the difficulty is all you can see. No doubt, it can be a tricky thing to figure out what went wrong so you can try to fix it. It's enough to overwhelm anybody.
The good news is that it does not have to be that tricky. The real secret of how to get back with your ex boyfriend is to take small steps and take them in the right way.
To get started, think back to the things that made your ex boyfriend happy. What made him smile or laugh? What kind of things did he enjoying doing? Why? The more things you can come up with, the easier it will be to eventually win him back.
Okay, so now that you have your list of things that made him happy, it's time build some positive associations. What does this mean? This means that whenever you see him, you find a way to elicit that happiness. For example, if a certain song always makes him happy, then hum a little bit of it when he's around. However, don't do it in an obvious way. You need to be subtle. He will feel happier because of the song (in this example), and will start to associate you with the positive feeling he normally gets from the song.
Over time, these little things will add up. Do it right and he will find you virtually irresistible, without ever knowing what's going on. Of course you should only do this if you are sure you will be happy together. This means you will still have to work to make things better than they were before.
There is a catch to this method of how to get back with your ex boyfriend, though. And that is that you actually have to be around him to build those positive associations. You will basically use the same technique. The key is to not be obvious. The more "accidental" your encounters, the better. If you are waiting for him in the parking lot after work, that is not accidental. However, if you just so happen to come around the corner in the grocery store, and do it right, he will never know that you previously planned your "chance encounter".
Okay, not everybody is willing to do these things, and they could be construed as a form of manipulation. So only do them for the right reasons. Remember, he's a person too and should have some say in whether or not he wants to be with you again. Assuming he would, then you have the answer to the question of how to get back with your ex boyfriend.
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Monday, September 13, 2010
I Miss My Girlfriend - You Can Get Her Back
Have you been thinking, or saying, "I miss my girlfriend"? If so you should know that it is always possible to reconnect with an ex. All you have to do is figure out how to go about it. What to do and what not to do. There are some things you should avoid at all costs if you really want another shot at working things out with your ex.
Obviously I don't know you or what kind of person you are. I don't know how you treated your ex or if the breakup was mostly your fault or hers. But what I do know is that in most cases there are some common reasons that relationships fall apart and knowing the causes, and the cures, can go a long way to making sure you can get back together again.
In most cases people have one or both of these issues in their relationship: a lack of respect for their partner and / or a lack of communication. Figuring out which one you have problems with and finding ways to get over those problems can go a long way to making you a better person and that can go a long way to making your ex want to be with you again.
When people complain about their relationships one of the first things I ask them is: do you still treat and talk to your partner the way you did when you first met? For example, are you polite? When you want something from your partner do you ask them for it and say please or do you 'order' them and neglect to say please or thank you? I'm sometimes appalled at the way I hear couples talk to each other. If you are more polite to the person who gets your coffee than you are to your girlfriend, you have to wonder why. Why would you be more polite to a stranger than to your girlfriend? Kind of weird isn't it?
So, start there. Take a long hard look at the way you talked to and treated your ex. Try to see what areas you can make some improvements in and make them. I'm not saying that you are the only one that needs to make changes, but for now you can only change you. If you and your ex get back together hopefully she'll face her own issues and make whatever changes she needs to make, but for now you worry about you.
Common problem two is that many couples don't know how to talk to each other constructively. They will argue and bicker and feel resentment because their partner doesn't 'get' them but they don't really communicate. Many times we just aren't good at asking for what we want. We somehow expect our partners to just 'know' what we are trying to say. Newsflash, most of us aren't mind readers so if you (and your ex) can't learn how to express yourselves in an easy to understand, non accusatory way you'll never get anywhere. Learn how to politely and respectfully ask for what you want. And encourage your partner to do the same.
For all you guys who are saying "I miss my girlfriend and I want her back" this advice can really help. Not only will it help you become someone she would want to be with, it will also help you become a better man and that is always a good thing.
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Saturday, September 11, 2010
Leg Varicose Vein - Symptoms And Prevention Tips By:Mau
The term most commonly used to describe large, bulging veins on the leg varicose vein. The veins of the leg have valves, called leaflet valves that prevent the blood from flowing backward and help the leg muscles pump the blood from the legs back to the heart.
Varicose veins develop when these leaflet valves get weak, do not work they way they should and then start to let the blood flow backward causing pain and swelling in the lower leg especially when walking or standing for long periods.
Symptoms seen in the leg varicose vein include aching, pain or a heaviness feeling in the legs, swelling in the lower leg, ankles and feet, a shiny, brown to blue discoloration of the skin of the lower leg, red, dry, itchy skin due to waste buildup in the leg, cramping, abnormal bleeding and longer healing time with a minor injury to the area.
Women develop varicose veins more often than men do and are usually hereditary. Which means, if your mother or grandmother had them, you probably will, too. Other conditions, or factors, related to the development of varicose veins are; pregnancy, obesity, menopause, standing for long periods, injury to the leg, and abdominal straining.
You can try to control the symptoms that accompany varicose veins by elevating your legs for several minutes throughout your day. Make sure to get them high enough that they are at a level that is above the level of your heart. Also good advice is to get regular exercise. Walking is the best thing for you. It keeps the blood pumping and the muscles of your calf in shape, giving more support to the veins of the leg.
If you are overweight, tell your doctor you want to lose the excess poundage and that you are starting a daily walking regimen. If you have questions about diet, she can probably refer you to a nutritionist to help customize an meal plan for you. You can also ask about supplements you can take to improve the condition of your veins. Could be something as simple as a fish oil capsule a day is all you need to restore proper function and keep your veins in good working order.
If you do need more extensive treatment there are several options available to you, both surgical and non-surgical.
Stripping of varicose veins is the most common procedure performed and is done to remove all or part of the greater saphenous vein. This is the vein usually affected by varicosities, it runs down the inside of the leg from the groin area to the ankle. Also the main vein used in bypass surgeries, removal of the saphenous vein means that it is no longer available for venous bypass if needed in the future. Complications of stripping include deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, pulmonary embolism (which happens very rarely-0.06%) and infection of the surgical site.
Non-surgical treatment of varicose veins, includes work done with lasers and ultrasound equipment called endovenous thermal ablation. ETA is performed on the leg varicose vein as an outpatient procedure with a local anesthetic, has a shorter recovery time and is less invasive and has less complications than regular open surgery.
This article is for information purposes only and is not professional medical advice. Nor should it be used as medical advice at any time. You should consult with your own Physician or other proper medical professionals prior to determining treatment or diagnosis.
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Friday, September 10, 2010
The Link Between Passive Smoking And Mental Disorders:By Mau
Smoking is not good for the health of anyone because , there are many detrimental effects it can provide to the body. The problem is smoking is very addicting. For that reason, there are a lot of people who are being drawn into smoking; this is because of the nicotine content of the cigarette that is truly addictive.
Aside from that, cigarette is very affordable and it is legal that is why many people have an access to it. In addition to that, smoking is also being very common so young adults are being conscious and being drawn into that bad habit.
The saddest part of smoking is that not only the smokers are being affected by it. There are also bad effects for those people who are just there are inhaling the smoke of the smoker. Well, they are called passive smokers and they are very prone to acquiring mental illnesses as the smokers do. And this is according from the study of Dr. Mark Hamer and his colleagues from the University College of London.
They have conducted the a survey called the Scottish Health Survey wherein they have studied 5560 non-smoking adults and 2595 smoking adults that have no history of any mental illnesses. Questionnaires regarding mental disorders are used to examine those people. In addition to that, the researchers have also tracked the number of times those people have entered a mental hospital in six years and more. The kotinin levels in saliva are being determined from the smokers and nonsmokers. This kotinin is the resultant of the formation of nicotine in our body.
From the conducted research, it has been found out that 14.5 percent of those who have been examined were recorded to have experience mental disorders. Passive smokers were also found out to have a high chance of having mental disorder as compared to those that are not being exposed to kotinin. From their timeline, there were 41 people who were hospitalized in mental institutions in the next six years. Smokers and passive smokers have been hospitalized due to depression, insanity, schizophrenia and other mental conditions.
There is also a research wherein it has been found out that there are data that said that tobacco can cause a negative mood among animals. In relation with the human being, it can be said that those result has a possible link between depression and smoking. And according to that study, when those data (from the human and animals) are being correlated, it can be concluded that there is evidence on the relationship between mental health and nicotine.
Lastly, according to them, their study is the first one that indicate the possibility of the link between mental health and passive smoking wherein the sample involves is the general population.
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Thursday, September 2, 2010
Texting Singles
Online dating isn't really all that new, however, it is getting more and more popular all the time. Therefore, it's no real surprise that the next logical extension of this is also increasing in popularity. If you haven't guessed, we are referring to text dating. In a recent study, it was shown that people are turning away from e-mail as their main form of communication and switching to texting. It only makes sense that something as prevalent as the cell phone would be used for electronic dating.
For the sake of clarification, this article is about connecting with people you don't already know. While many people will date those they know and use texting to do so, that is not what we're talking about here.
If meeting somebody special via text dating sounds interesting to you, you're in luck! There are several companies that offer these services. All you have to do is sign up, pay the membership fee and create a profile.
Speaking of fees, some sites will charge a flat monthly fee, while others will charge for every message you send. Neither on is better than the other, but make sure you understand exactly how each site's fees work before you start sending text messages. You wouldn't want to get a shock when you check out your next cellular bill. Remember that any fees charged by text dating sites are on top of what your cell provider is already charging you.
There are three main ways to search for people's profiles, and each site will offer some combination of them. You can view profiles using your phone, by searching online, or by using a special number provided by the dating sites.
Once you find a profile you want to respond to, think a little before sending that first message. You want to appear interesting (but don't overdo it), confident and arouse the other person's curiosity. In other words, the goal is to send a message that will elicit a response form the person you're interested in.
If you still aren't sure you'd like text dating, you can always try one of the free services. You may have to view adds or there may be hidden fees, but it's a good way to get started. A lot of people are under the impression that they have to be more tech savvy to use text dating but that's not true. All you really need to know is how to use your cell phone. That's not too complicated, right?
Text dating sites are just as safe as other sites. You still need to check into each site's policies before signing up. The dating sites can put all kinds of safeguards n place, but they aren't able to protect you from yourself. If you want to stay as safe as possible, then it's up to you to follow the rules and procedures.
Now, don't let all of that scare you away. Text dating is a great way to meet new people, and as you can see, it's easy to do. So, what are you waiting for?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Executive Dating Sites - Pros and Cons : By Mau
There is no doubt that online dating sites are getting more and more popular, and will be around for many years to come. Dating sites exist for all different groups of people.
Religious background, race, orientation, location and other sub-groups all have sites dedicated to serving them. If you are a professional, you may be pleased to know that there are also executive dating sites that cater to your needs. To put it simply, such sites are places online where various executives gather in the hopes of meeting someone special.
Another component may be added on top of the dating, and that is networking. The idea is that you can build your list of associates while looking for a potential romantic partner. However, this networking should be thought of as secondary, and you should primarily use the sites for what they were intended.
Just like other dating websites, those that feature executives require their members to fill out a profile. When filling out your profile keep in mind that the other members are executives, too. This means you will want to highlight your education, career and goals. You don't necessarily want to copy your resume, but you don't want to completely ignore it, either. Think of your profile as a one-sided interview where you don't get to hear the questions. That may sound like an odd analogy, but it will help you write a better profile.
So, does this mean you should be stodgy and serious with your profile and pictures? Only if you want to attract people who are stodgy and serious. Other than that, remember to show people you know how to have fun. Include a few candid pictures and include things you do for fun in your profile.
Profiles on executive dating sites can be tricky things. You want to put your best foot forward, but there is also the tendency to embellish things to appear more appealing. Plus, those who somehow feel that they are a bit lower on the executive ladder may be intimidated and make things up so they look better. However, making stuff up always backfires. If it helps, remind yourself that you had to meet certain qualifications before you could be a member. That fact means you are "worthy" of being there, and that there is no need to stretch the truth.
Be very careful about contacting anybody from the same company you work for. You may be unintentionally be putting your job in jeopardy. This is especially true if you are in a superior position to the person you are interested in. Of course, office romances happen all the time, and there is nothing wrong with them; just remain cautious that you don't cross any lines that could get you into trouble.
If you are a professional person and looking for romance, then executive dating sites are a good option. Use the tips above to help you get the most from them and increase your chances of success.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Dating Singles Online - 5 Benefits
If you are looking for companionship, then you are now, or soon to be, counted among the growing number of dating singles online. Dating websites are more popular than ever, and still growing. There are several reasons why this is the case, some of which may surprise you.
- 1. Trying something new. It doesn't take long for single people to get tired of the traditional dating scene. It's either too boring, time-consuming or otherwise demanding. When dating singles online the problems of traditional dating virtually disappear. Sure, you still have to sort through several people, but the way the "hunt" is conducted is entirely different.
- 2. Convenience. You don't have to spend a lot of time getting ready when dating online. All you have to do is log in to the dating website of your choice, look at profiles, and maybe exchange a few messages. This takes much less time than getting dressed up and driving somewhere. If all goes well, you will eventually meet someone face-to-face, but until then, you don't have to worry about the normal inconveniences.
- 3. A large pool. No, this isn't referring to a nice place to swim. Rather, it refers to the fact that there is a large pool of potential dating partners available online. After all, you are connecting to people from all over (though there are sites that cater to smaller areas). You no longer have to choose from the same dozen or so regulars at your local single's bar. Instead, you may have access to thousands and thousands of profiles.
- 4. Variety. Maybe you live in a small town and love the works of Voltaire, professional wrestling, scrapbooking and Czech cheeses. It may be nearly impossible to find anyone in your area that shares those interests. With the massive variety of dating online singles, your chances of finding someone with the same tastes goes up significantly. Of course, those with more standard tastes are out there, too.
- 5. Anonymity. But isn't the whole idea of online dating to get to know someone? It is, but by being anonymous early on, you can feel more at ease being yourself. When somebody isn't looking at your profile, it doesn't feel like they are giving you the cold shoulder. It's not you as a person they aren't responding to, it's the data contained in your profile. Also, if you happen to get rejected, you won't take it as personally because you are not as emotionally invested. Rejection works both ways, though, and online dating takes care of that problem, too. If you aren't interested in somebody, all you need to do is move on to another profile; all without the fear of guilt.
Traditional dating isn't going away, but with all it has going for it, online dating is becoming a more and more serious competitor. Oh, and the best thing of all? The chance to meet somebody special and be happy.
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visitMonday, August 30, 2010
Beautiful Asian Women - Be Ahead Of The Game :By Mau
It's possible with the internet to find, meet, and even marry beautiful Asian women. Though don't think that just because the internet is here that you can sit back and do nothing. There are very specific things you'll need to do if you want to attract a wonderful Asian woman to you.
Keep in mind that when you are talking about Asian women that can include many different countries, all with their own cultures and traditions. To really increase your chances of making a connection with someone you should narrow down your focus and concentrate on women from a particular country. It doesn't matter if it's Chinese, or Japanese, etc. Just pick one country and familiarize yourself with it's language and customs.
If you take the time to do this the women you meet will be very impressed and flattered that you took the time and effort, and those two things can take you a long way.
There are some general rules to keep in mind when dating Asian woman, though. For one thing, most Asian women will respond to a strong, assertive man. Please don't mistake this for a loud mouth, over compensating jackass. There is a huge difference and if you don't know what the difference is you better figure it out before you set out to meet someone otherwise you'll just turn her off and make a very bad impression.
Being strong and assertive means that you know what you want and you're not afraid to, politely, ask for it. Instead of some vague 'do you want to go out sometime?' try a more direct approach 'do you want to go to dinner on Saturday night'? That is a much better approach with most women, not just Asian ones.
Asian women aren't nearly as forgiving about appearance as American woman are. Today's American male dresses like they just rolled out of bed, they are often unshaven, wearing sloppy looking clothes that look dirty even if they've just been washed and usually need a haircut. While this scruffy look may work with American women, it won't get you anywhere with Asian women. They'd dismiss you as a slob quicker than you can say 'haircut'.
Asian women often are stereotyped as being gold diggers and calculating but that is very unfair. The truth is that their cultural upbringing has taught them that a man should be able to support his wife, and they naturally look for men who can do just that. It's a cultural thing more than anything so don't get freaked out if a woman you've recently met asks you some very personal questions about your health and finances.
Cultural differences not withstanding, beautiful Asian women are just like women, beautiful or not, everywhere - they want a man who will love them, respect them and treat them right. It's not rocket science and you don't need anything other than a little knowledge about the culture, some good manners and common sense. Using this approach will streamline the process of meeting the woman of your dreams.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Guide on Being a Good Girlfriend / Boyfriend
How To Be A Good Girlfriend / Boyfriend
If you don't think you are relationship material because you have trouble keeping a boyfriend / girlfriend, maybe some information on how to be a girlfriend / boyfriend would be of some help to you. You can read books on the subject or go see a counselor, which is a good idea if things don't improve for you, but for starters, read what follows and see if you agree.
First of all, understand that relationships are a two-way street and you can't always have things your own way. Compromises on each others' parts sometimes have to be made to keep the peace. If you find yourselves fighting about every little thing that comes along then maybe you aren't suited to each other.
I believe it is healthy to be able to have an argument (on occasion) and then be adult enough to either make that compromise or work it out some other way that is beneficial to both of you. When I say compromise, I don't mean that one of you suggests something and the other one just rolls over and takes it. I mean, actually work it out, use a piece of paper and pencil and write down the pros and cons of the problem and really work out a solution.
Knowing how to be a girlfriend / boyfriend isn't rocket science but it will take some effort on your part to help keep the relationship moving forward. Not that it is all your responsibility in this day and age. Hopefully you have a boyfriend / girlfriend who is enlightened and knows this, too. The last relationship I had that failed was well over ten years ago and a friend of mine told me that it was completely the woman's responsibility to make it work.
I disagreed with her. I don't know which century she thought she was living in but it certainly wasn't the current one. I believe it is half of my responsibility to make it work. A relationship takes both people to make it or break it. When one can't talk to or reason with the other because they always have to be right, the relationship cannot last.
Things started out great, as most relationships do, but in time, I began to realize how selfish and insensitive he was and I put up with it for some time. I don't really know why I put up with it for as long as I did but I decided one day that life was too short to live that way so, I ended the relationship. The relationship I am in now is so much better, we rarely argue and if something is bothering either of us we talk it through and come to a solution or at least a compromise so we are both satisfied with the outcome. When you are with the right person, things are just easier, not to mention a lot calmer and more comfortable.
The main thing that I have learned is that I need to make myself happy first and the rest will follow. So far so good. Seems that when I ended that relationship I left all my baggage back there, too. It feels great to finally be traveling light. I guess that somewhere between the two relationships I figured out how to be a girlfriend.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
General Dating Advice
For those of you who are either just starting to date or who are re-entering the dating world, there is general advice for dating that may help you get firmly in the saddle. It doesn’t matter what age you are, when you’re dating there may be things you don’t understand about the process. The majority of it operates on instinct but so many things can come into play with dating in the 21st century that it’s a much better idea to prepare instead of having some random incidents thrown at you. Most of it is common sense but there are some things you can do to increase your chances for a good connection.
Changes in dating come along with whatever era you happen to be in. For instance, the 1950’s dating life was quite a bit different than it is in the 21st century. These days, it’s totally acceptable for women to ask men out on dates where this was never done decades ago. It may still be a good idea to try to make it seem like a sudden idea to spend time doing something together you both like. Men can then say no comfortably if he’s not interested, and the woman won’t feel destroyed by being turned down.
Home computers along with the Internet have begun a totally new era in dating. If you decide to use this as a dating tool, you’ll find that it’s a completely different ball game. The Internet offers anonymity which also means that you need to be more careful than you would be in normal dating situations. People can pretend to be whoever they want on the Internet and you won’t know if you’re being lied to or not until it’s too late. For this reason, more caution needs to be used when Internet dating.
The most important that you can do when dating is to be yourself when you’re with that other person. Whatever you’re showing this person is what you’ll need to continue showing. Be honest about who you are when dating. Otherwise, you’ll never be able to build a successful relationship because it will not be an honest one, and it will be ruined before it’s even off the ground. That’s why, even though there are many things that will help you when you start dating, the two things that will keep you moving along in a good direction is being sincere and genuine.
Other things should be done automatically, such as being considerate of your date’s feelings. Even if this doesn’t turn out to be the man or woman of your dreams, remember that you have agreed to this date and there’s no reason for you not to be pleasant on it. Don’t make it obvious what a terrible time you’re having. Try to walk in your date’s shoes and act accordingly. You never have to go out with him or her again if that’s what you choose, but don’t make the date you’re currently on a terrible one. There’s always another chance waiting for you down the road.
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Monday, August 9, 2010
How To Relieve Sore Muscles After Exercise
Relieve Sore Muscles After Exercise
It might seem odd,but it makes me feel good to know my muscles are sore and I have worked myself hard to build strength after a long work out. But sometimes you want to relieve sore muscles and pains, this is what you can do to help relieve those aches and pains that bother you.
Many people think that it’s crucial to stretch before and after they exercise to help ward off any soreness of the muscles. If you stretch too much while your muscles are throbbing after the workout,you may do more harm than good. So keep stretching limited and relaxed so you don't put a strain on your muscles and get an injury.
During the stretching you can tear the muscle fiber,which can take a long time to heal and will limit your activities until it heals.Which can slow your progress down with your exercising regimen. Either you can sprain or strain,although both have their differences,you are more likely to pull muscles.Stopping your exercise routine while you wait for the muscle to repair can be frustrating and delay you.
Stretching only works if your muscles are loose and warmed up.Otherwise you risk injury.
Light warm ups before you workout can maximize your stretching. The soreness you feel in you body after working out is because of the tiny tears that occur when you work them hard. By the time your muscles repair,your muscles grow bigger and stronger. So some soreness is a good thing.
You should carefully adjust into a exercise program instead of rigorous training right away. I've made the mistake of thinking because I'm athletic I can easily get involved in any physical activity. This is wrong. Various activities require and use different muscles to perform different functions.
If some soreness of the muscles occurs,give light exercise a try. Things like small walks and a laid back bike ride are ideal. The idea is to keep your muscles loose without putting additional strain on your muscles.
First aid for injuries usually involves placing ice on the area from 15 to 20 minutes. After an hour has passed apply heat for 15 to 20 minutes for the next hour or so. Bathing in a hot tub can help to relax you and your muscles.
Maybe a light massage is right for you? Massages help to bring more blood to the the affected areas and help remove the lactic acid that causes soreness in your muscles. Many over counter creams for sore muscles exist to help ease your discomfort.
Just by following these tips,you can enjoy your workouts and know how to get rid of sore muscles too!
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Shy Guys Dont Always Have To Finish Last
Shyness is something that many people experience to different degrees. Some are a little uncomfortable when it comes to meeting new people or speaking in front of a group of strangers. Other people are polar opposites and become debilitated by their shyness. Sadly, these are the men who typically never get a chance to show a woman what they have to offer because they are just too shy to even say “hello.” However, that doesn’t always have to be the case.
To begin with, there are many women who simply ADORE shy men. There’s just something about a guy who is terrified to talk to women. He may be one of the greatest looking guys in the room, but he doesn’t know that. Believe it or not, that is, in and of itself, one of the hottest triggers for many women. They will locate this man with their internal heat seeking missiles and proceed to home in on him. Most of the time, their approach is viewed with much trepidation by the object of their attention, as a truly shy man will be terrified that he’s going to have to talk.
Now, imagine his surprise when he does manage to look at the woman and see that she’s one of the most beautiful looking women in the place. Your first thought should NOT be “why is she talking to ME?” Instead, look at it as an opportunity. Obviously, she sees something she likes or she wouldn’t be standing in front of you introducing herself. Yes, you’re terrified, but please remember that SHE approached YOU and she will most likely be happy to start the conversation and maybe even carry a lot of it. However, you DO need to do your part to participate in the conversation or she’ll think you don’t like her.
If she keeps touching you lightly on the arm while talking to you, ask her to dance. Hopefully, you have learned at least how to do a decent slow dance. You’re not expected to be Fred Astaire, but it does give you an excuse to put your arms around her. This will tell you a lot about what her intentions are.
Smile a lot but don’t leer. Let her know that you’re enjoying her company. This isn’t impossible, no matter how shy you are. Again, keep in mind that SHE came to YOU. Always keep that in the front of your mind so that you can gain some confidence from it. This amazing woman found you interesting enough to walk over to you and start talking. The least you can do is talk back. It’s important that you show her you like her in an unobtrusive way.
When it comes time to part ways, if things have gone well, ask her for her phone number. By then you’ll be able to tell whether or not she’s interested enough to give you her number or not, so it’s not like you’re taking a huge gamble. Remember that she likes you and be brave.
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Friday, August 6, 2010
Success With Online Dating Sites
Dating isn't like it was when our parents were young. Back then, everyone knew the neighbors for one thing. You knew a lot of people so it was easy to meet a new person. Then came the bar scene, where many people would go to nurse a drink and hookup with someone who interested them. Unfortunately, today most of us don't know the neighbors and the bars are the best place to meet drunks, not people we want to date.
Technology has brought us a new era today – that of the internet. Now many people are going to the different dating websites online to meet interesting people. They are kind of the personal ads of the modern age, but with so much more potential than a little ad ever was. To use these sites effectly and meet people who really interest you, there are three major factors that you need to pay attention to: your picture, your profile and what attracts us to the opposite sex.
Your picture is a huge factor because that is the first thing browsers at the dating website are going to notice. That doesn't mean that you have to be a model or anything. It simply means that you'll want to take some care in choosing a photo that is as flattering as you can. Most sites let you post more than one picture and if they do, you should take advantage of that feature. A really good idea is to include at least one candid where you are obviously enjoying yourself, smiling or laughing. Most of us look better when we smile and it will give the impression of being someone who is fun to be around.
Now your profile is even more important because this is what will tell the people looking at it if you might be someone they'd like to meet. You should fill out everything in the profile or profiles on each site that you decide to join. Be detailed and specific with what you put in here and don't be too hard on yourself. Many people get stuck on what they should write in there and so don't put much information. You're better off taking your time to really think about your answers and giving a lot of information.
Be honest in your profiles! There's nothing worse than finding out that someone is nothing like what they said they were. If you don't tell the truth, when they find out – and they will – they will just think you're a liar and drop you like a hot potato. Don't make it boring, either. If you make it fun to read, then it's more likely that more people will read it and be interested in getting to know you better.
Knowing what attracts us to the opposite sex is at least as important as the first two items, if not more so. In order for us to find profiles based on what we want, we first have to know what we want. Most online dating sites will show us profiles based on what we say we want. If you want to be shown the people you will most likely want to meet, then be clear in what you want and what you are looking for in a relationship.
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Monday, August 2, 2010
The Importance Of Common Interests
Relationship Common Interest
Something that a lot of people may overlook in the beginning of a relationship is the fact that they have nothing in common. When the lust is over powering and the infatuation is completely over the top, it is easy to believe that everything is going to work out. You are convinced that it has a happily forever after ending just waiting to happen even though one of you is obsessed with sports and the other one HAS to have a weekly night at a the local art gallery. One of you craves loud heavy metal music while the other one insists on the opera. While these are not things that cannot be overcome, if there are more opposite interests than those in common, it can definitely be an issue.
Suppose, for example, the guy loves sailing and deep sea fishing. His new woman gets sea sick just THINKING about being on the water. Is he going to sell his boat and stop fishing? Or maybe she is a fashion designer and his idea of style is a 80s pair of holey jeans? These can be some rather serious differences but, again, they can still be overcome if there is the will to do so. Consider for a minute, though, that with so many of these differences in place, just how much time would the two of you actually spend together having fun? Yes, being in bed IS having fun, but you can’t realistically stay there forever. You must come out on occasion and participate in that important thing called Life.
The best way to meet someone who has interests the same as you is by hanging out in places that you enjoy. There will be other single people there that will be interested in talking to you. This is the chance to get to know someone better who may become important to you. A situation like this will help the connection begin on common ground.
Another way to make sure that you connect with people who have interests in common with you is through the help of certain dating agencies or higher quality dating websites. You will find that the dating profiles required there work to match you with someone that enjoys the same sort of things you do. In order for it all to work as it is meant to, you must be totally honest when answering the questions on the profile. No one is there to judge you and the only other person who will know what your interests are will be the one you are matched with. And THIS person won’t care because they will have listed the same interests as you did.
The important thing to remember is that if being in a relationship with someone who has many of the same interests as you do is what you really want, then you should not settle for less. Neither one of you will ever be totally happy. Therefore, it will be worth that extra effort to find someone who is perfect for you in all ways.
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