I use cow's milk for my eye allergies and it works every time. Research also shows that milk is good for dark circles and puffiness around the eye; however, the focus here is on eye allergies and how the use of milk can grant you instant relief from itchy, watery, red, irritable eyes.
During spring,sneezing,itchy,watery,and red eyes will be common among many people. You see pollen count is at an all time high and though you may never have suffered with allergies before; that does not mean that you're immune. Therefore, you want to continue practicing germ prevention and familiarize yourself with the symptoms of both allergies and colds to avoid messing up your system.
Allergies make life more miserable than the common cold and can be very hurtful on the pocket; therefore, you want to avoid treating a cold with allergy medication and vice versa. I've spoken to many sufferers who switch back and forth between brands, because they are looking for posithttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifive results, since most are either quick fixes or just don't deliver.
Do you know the difference between a cold or an allergy? Well, it's all in the symptoms. According to the July 15th issue of the NY Times Magazine in the Health Guide Section: The Claims: It's a Cold No, It's an Allergy: Anahad O'Connor, a reporter writes,"symptoms of seasonal allergies and colds overlap, but studies suggest ways to tell apart symptoms-colds move more slowly, taking a day or longer to set in gradually worsening with symptoms like loss of appetite and headache before disappearing within 10 days. Allergies begin immediately. Sneezing is sudden and overwhelming and congestion centered behind the nose is immediate. Allergy symptoms disappear quickly-almost as soon as the offending allergen like pollen is no longer around. Allergies actually always cause itchiness in the eyes, nose, and the throat, while a cold generally does not. Telltale signs of a cold are a fever, aches, and colored mucus."
There you have it! a few symptoms of colds and allergies. Allergens in the air from pollen and other sources trigger attacks on the eyes and nose and one may think it's the common cold; but can be easily mistaken since the symptoms produced are not the same for
.My Allergy Story
I never had any allergies as a child, but when I became an adult, I discovered I was allergic to fake jewelry. If I wore jewelry that were neither silver nor gold; I would itch and break out into a rash. If the button or zipper on my pants came in direct contact with my skin, I would instantly itch in the contact area and my neck and bumps would appear. A trip to the doctor later labeled me as a 100 % gold candidate; therefore, I can't wear any other jewelry except its pure gold or silver
I don't know whether or not allergies are contagious; but, one day a child who I work with had a very bad case of allergies. His eyes were very red and watery and irritated him because he was constantly rubbing them. I don't know whether it was because I was in close proximity to him, in closed quarters; but from that day I started experiencing eye discomfort which led into full blown eye allergies. The itching was unbearable, my eyes would become teary and red; and, it seemed like it would never end. The more I rubbed, the redder they got. There seemed no end in sight for the discomfort I had to battle daily. Though, I have no solid proof, I am led to believe that allergens in the air are contagious. All I did was feed a child indoors and though, I washed my hands, I experienced some discomfort which later turned into eye allergies. Since allergy pills and medication are not part of my carry along; I was at the mercy of itchy, red, watery eyes.
But, Aah, thank God for milk! Milk, beautiful milk became my savior - an instant remedy for my discomfort and irritability. Milk? Yes! The white liquid that builds strong bones and teeth. I can almost envision you with questioning looks. You might be saying, "but I drink milk every day and still have allergies" ;well, allow me to elaborate while I whet your itching ears with a childhood experience involving the power of milk, itchy eyes, and how at the present it instantly relieves the itching, discomfort, and redness associated with eye allergies.
I grew up in a country where in those days getting to the nearest hospital required a whole days journey. With one nurse covering several Parishes, people had no choice but to concoct their own home made remedies when the need rose. Surrounded by manifold varieties of herbs, they would be foolhardy not to utilize them. Well, just about everything qualified as a medicine. For example, stomach pain was remedied with hot ginger and cinnamon tea. Painful tooth cavities were treated with garlic or gloves and salt water and the list goes on.
So, when confronted with eye discomfort, it was only natural for my mother to squeeze breast milk into our eyes. (If at the time she was not nursing a surrogate would do.) You see when thrown in a situation, one has options. Some people choose to wallow in self pity and suffer while others go on a limb and become inventors. Though at times, results may be non gratifying causing discouragement; at least some effort went into seeking a remedy for the situation. So, today when stricken with any ailment, I go into my kitchen cabinet since it houses many herbs from the good old days. When allergens attack, I reach for milk because it has been tried, tested, and proven to deliver great results and still does. .
It wasn't until recently that I began to make the connection between milk and allergies. I discovered that they both have something in common which is grass. Cows eat grass that produces milk; and pollen from grass triggers allergies. So, it's only natural to fight fire with fire. Face it, to treat certain ailments; antidotes usually come from the source of the ailment. So, milk is like an antidote for allergies.
Listed below are the steps to begin your journey to recovery and ease your discomfort instantly. I treat my eyes with cold milk sometimes before bed and on mornings. I find this solution to be very effective. You can implement this same milk remedy for your eye malady as often as you wish and decide whether to use hot or cold milk, it's up to you. I've only been using cold milk and that works for me.
- Get two containers (one for each eye), tissue or cloth and of course milk.
- Pour enough milk in each container to completely saturate tissue or cloth. The amount of milk will depend on the size of your tissue or cloth..
- Wash your eyes and hands
- Put one tissue in container A and the other in container B
- Place your right hand in container A to retrieve the tissue or cloth
- Put milk saturated tissue or cloth on your eye-your eyeball should be touching the wet tissue or cloth. Gently, rub sideways
- Close eye and rub the outside of your eye with your right hand with the same milk wet tissue or cloth. Again, rub sideways but very gently.
- Now proceed to the other eye and place your left hand in container B to retrieve the tissue or cloth
- Repeat all steps for the left eye with your left hand
- Dispose of cloth/tissue, milk. Wash hands and containers.
- Dab face with water to get rid of left over milk .
- You should be feeling better by now
To clear up your nasal discomfort,(do this preferably before bed time). Add salt and Vicks vapor rub to a container of hot steaming water. Covering your head with a towel, you would then hover above the mixture; while the concoction invigorates your sinuses, clearing your nasal passages, leading you to speedy relief. Then before going to bed, rub your neck, chest, and nose with the Vicks rub.
Sure, there are over the counter medications that provide relief. But these are quick fixes which are rather expensive and some make claims but do not leave up to such claims. A girlfriend whom I introduced the milk remedy to,told me last year her allergies were so bad that she broke out in hives. Her doctor gave her an injection that worked for the time, but this year the allergies are back and that's when I told her of the milk which she tried and now she is free of discomfort. So, if you are skeptical and would rather spend your money; go ahead and purchase Clari tin. Many people sing the praises of this over the counter drug so it probably might work for you; but you can't go wrong with milk. It's cheap and provides instant relief. Compare that to some expensive over the counter drug out there, which either does not deliver or takes hours to bring you relief. The next time allergies hit you, reach for some milk and you too will be telling others of your instant relief experience after you treat your eye allergies with milk.