My earliest recollection of one of my dumbest moments was the time I tied a goat with a vine and the goat ate its way to freedom never to be seen again. I wonder what happened to the poor sap; maybe wild animals made a meal out of him.
Children are expected to make mistakes; yet, this is no excuse for me not utilizing my common sense whatever sense I had at the time. It never really occurred to me that the very animal I acknowledged as being dumb turned out to be smart after all. After my chastisement, I vowed , that if I ever found that goat well, I would turn him into goat soup for sure. I got the beating of my life and vowed that this would be and was my last beating. So, news flash to all those men who believe that wives, girlfriends or significant others need a beating now and then, think again because the goat ate my whip
Men beat up women because women tolerate it or maybe men are still trapped in the cycle of abuse or maybe beating up women makes them feel powerful. Regardless of the reasons, there is no excuse. At the start of every relationship it's always a good idea to lay the cards on the table. Sort of like nipping it in the bud. You cannot be too much in love to forget this important tidbit. After all its your life. If women tell men what they won't and will not tolerate ,then battered women will be unheard of. I got too much blows as a child for me to allow some man who come from nowhere and going nowhere to beat me up. Oh no honey! If you value your life you won't lay a finger on me. I am no body's child, me pappy is 6+ feet under. So go punch a pillow already