What do matches and wooden planks produce? Oh, you are so brilliant! Ashes is Correcto! I knew that; but, I was inquisitive, young, and senseless, caught up in a world of curiosity. I burnt the house down! Well, I was playing under a wooden house with matches and paper. Oh! I was having the time of my life. Until.....
Surprised footsteps ruined that moment for me. It sent me scampering, leaving a lighted paper with matches behind. Those wooden planks must have been rotted to the core because before I knew it the whole house was engulfed in flames. Nothing was salvaged. It happened so quickly. Everything was lost. I did not get embraced for having survived. Oh no! that night there was a weeping and a wailing. Those blows did not warrant anything, because I still make dumb mistakes. No, I am not burning down houses. I despise cigarettes. Well, God is still working. All the greats experimented, why should n't I?
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