The holidays had arrived and the class was over by then. I began a series of note forwarding by way of email which at the time did not seem bodersome to me. I bought a classy gift which was turned down and felt bad because the recepient made it look like I needed it more and rejected it. The went on to explain that trinkets would be much more appreciated.
Few weeks prior, I read an article online about the effects rat droppings have on the body. I forwarded a copy under the subject heading let me clean your office. Obviously, the email was not read and it was judged by the subject title. When the classy gift was rejected I proceeded to the .99 cent store; where I purchased glued rat traps somewhere between 5 or 8. I placed them in a little gift bag and delivered them to mailbox. The Secretary was there and she showed me where the mailbox was. Because a note was not left; it was taken the wrong way.
I was surmoned to the counselling office the next day. Evidently, the Director was contacted and she personally called me to come in. When I got there, I was told that such and such does not want to talk to me no more. Such and such think I am trying to hurt them and such and such think I want a relationship because I offered to clean such and such office. I'm like whoa! such and such sure does not think highly of me. Why would I want to cause harm and leave a trail of evidence and a witness that going to come right back to me. Furthermore, how is gluey rat trap going to harm someone? I can understand that if a dead bird was left neatly wrapped up then there would be cause for concern. But this? The Director made me promise to avoid all contacts which I did promise but did not live up too because after counselling sessions were over; such and such was more chummy with me. It was like nothing never happened.
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