Beauty Pageant in your very own backyard. Every summer, I go to the Namiss Pageant which is held at the beautiful Marriott Hotel in Brooklyn to support my friend who has a grand daughter that participates. While only one can win the crown; everyone is a winner in my book. To achieve success one must work hard and have confidence and a desire to achieve whatever.
A girl must do her part because the crown is not handed down to those who are just laid back. You have to earn it! The pageant Judges are focused on communication and presentation skills. It is very fun and entertaining up to the point where the decision is made and the winner is crowned Queen. Tempers fly and it turns to be rather emotional. Many who do not place feel bad. Girls cry and parents get upset. Well, considering the fees and preparation, I tend to understand where they come from; yet this should be a time to learn and improve. This is a time to boost the young girl or young lady's self-esteem because no body likes losing. Failure is normal and anyone can win pageant queen by following tips found at tips and secrets to winning your next beauty pageant.
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