Weight Reduction-Without realizing the consequences, many people try to reduce weight within a short period of time by reducing food intake. This is a disastrous and unhealthy practice known as crash dieting. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, actually increases hunger, increases the temptation to eat the wrong foods and may even increase, rather than decrease, weight. Attempting to rigidly control food intake as opposed to making smart food choices may even lead to eating disorders and a host of other health consequences. Dieters are urged to consult a nutritionist or a health care professional for suggestions on a healthy path for sensible weight loss.
Recent studies show that a risk of nutritional deficiencies, strain on the heart and other organs, and fatigue are some of the undesirable effects of crash dieting. Anemia, depression, hair loss, and headaches are indications that a dieter may be on the wrong path to weight reduction. Both mind and body are affected during a crash diet. Consult a health care professional for more information on the dangerous consequences of crash dieting.
Individuals who have stopped eating or have drastically reduced their daily caloric intake are frequently subject to an increase in weight. Extreme dieting is not only discouraged but cannot normally be maintained and the unsuccessful dieter usually returns to his or her previous, and equally unhealthy, eating habits. Yo-yo dieting, the state of having one’s weight increase and decrease with each new diet practice, and increased weight are sure to follow.
Nutritionists have long advised consumers to follow a low-fat diet and enjoy healthy, regular meals as a desirable, and healthy, alternative to crash dieting and yo-yo dieting. Relearning how to eat may be the only fix for individuals who have practiced a lifetime of unhealthy eating habits. Reducing weight gradually is the key to keeping weight off permanently. (Nutrition experts advise one to two pounds per week.) As with gaining weight, weight reduction takes time and effort. Perseverance and patience in consistently following the right eating habits and following a healthy exercise schedule may be the key to maintaining a healthy weight.
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Disclaimer: The information in this article does not constitute professional advice. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. It is best to consult with a physician.
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